Can we share this small summer fruit with our candied friends?
Raspberry, full of benefits
Raspberry is a fairly low-calorie fruit rich in water and contains many micronutrients such as vitamin C, manganese, copper and iron. It is also very rich in antioxidants known for their anti-inflammatory and protective properties of the cells of the body vis-a-vis the attack of free radicals.
Red fruits, and bays in general, are very largely consumed by wild canids, such as foxes and wolves that are attracted to their slightly sweet and acidic taste. It is not uncommon for dogs to consume them, even the shrub, for those who have the chance to evolve in a garden where raspberry trees are planted.
You will understand it, raspberries can also quite act as healthy treats for our domestic dogs, with the exception of those who suffer from sweet diabetes on pain of unbalanced their diet and blood glucose.
How much raspberry give to a dog?
Even if the raspberry is an interesting fruit for the dog, it’s not an open bar. Like all fruits, raspberries contain fibres that can disturb the digestion of our quadruped by provoking gas, bloating and diarrhoea in those who are not used to their consumption or if these fruits are ingested too much.
At first, the best is to distribute one or two raspberries to the dog (according to its size) and see how it reacts at the digestive level. If all goes well on this site, you will be able to gradually increase the quantities of fruit. But even in a dog used to fruits, the best is not to exceed 10g of fruit per kg of body weight and per day to the maximum so as not to disturb his food balances as intestinal.
In what form give raspberries to a dog?
It is in their native form that raspberries are the best for the health of our doggies and the richest nutritional benefits. Preferably, distribute her raspberries raw and mature.